

Comes in various layouts to suit your budget and needs. Best value for money on the market. Excellent Quality With an up to date stylish appearance.

All the latest features to keep your van ahead of rest in today’s competitive market all at an affordable price

Because we believe everyone deserves a Roadtrip in their lives


Holiday Road

The Vacationer Holiday Road series has been customer designed and specifically packaged with the knowledge and expertise from the experience of our existing customers.

With a choice layouts to suit, the Holiday Road has a great Quality finish and is exceptional great value for money.


Holiday series

The tradition continues with the original vacationer holiday series
High quality finished product with various layouts to choose from.


Rock Slider

From the chassis up, the Rock Slider has been designed with you creature comforts in mind from its plush leather and solid furniture to its fully insulated wall and roof panels which will protect you from outside sound and temperature. Using a tried and tested meranti wall and roof frames and extra steel support in every caravan, the ROCK SLIDER will withstand all your adventures and be around for years to come.